The moral reflection of patriotism is likely to be shown in military. This is the sphere where duty and oath become solid and the strength of it will protect us from exterior threats both mentally and physically. Indeed, this is the first and foremost reason for everyone of us to give our honour for those who have put their lives and shield our nation from outer dangers.
The following materials are dedicated to the alumni of Jizzakh higher military aviation school who died during the air-combat operations:
Azizbek Tashmatov

Azizbek Tashmatov was born on 9th of September, 1973 in Asaka, Andijan. He died on 12th of september in 1996 during the solo-practical flight. He is referred as highly intelligent, straightforward and kind among his friends.
Captain Zafar Boymurodov

Zafar Boymurodov was born on 11th of September, 1986 in Jizzakh city, Jizzakh. He graduated from JHMAS in 2009.
Captain Boymurodov died on 18th of October, 2016 during the special operation in the mountainous region (instrumental flight). He was flying the helicopter Mi-171 that was ferrying the troops when it ploughed into the earth.
Sen. Lieutenant Shermuhammad Ashirov

Shermuhammad Ashirov was born on 23rd of January, 1975 in Yangiyul, Tashkent. He is one of the first-year graduate of the JHMAS.
Sen. Lieutenant Ashirov died during the special operation that took place in Surkhandarya region. A group of terrorists crosses the Afghan-Uzbek border and intends to organize terroristic acts in the region. Because of this reason, by then young and skilled Ashirov’s crew were given the order to liquidate this group. The crew of the MI-8 helicopter detects the location of the terrorists and launches missiles and drops bombs. The end: liquidation of the enemy force. Unfortunately, the helicopter engine was shot by the enemy fire during this very battle and as a result of this the engine goes off. Sen. Lieutenant Ashirov dies while trying to land the heavily damaged helicopter. He was honored by the Government and the nation with the “2-darajali Shon-Sharaf” medal.
lieutenant Maksim Otrichenko

Maksim Otrichenko was born 24th of March, 1983 in Chirchiq, Tashkent region. He graduated from JHMAS in 2005.
During the practical flights in Chirchiq, the helicopter MI-24 became out of maneuver because of the technical drawback and the pilot-operator lieutenant Otrichenko turned the helicopter out of the city which might have caused several damages otherwise. He saved hundreds of lives by doing so and the crew members included. However he could not get out of the helicopter himself and died when it landed.
Lieutenant colonel Sergey Xarlamov

Sergey Xarlamov was born on 29th of June, 1976 in Ulan-Bator. He graduated from JHMAS in 1997.
He was known because of his well-developed flying skills, highly moral and intellectual value and these were the reasons for him to be the first commander of the air force unit among his contemporaries. Lieutenant colonel Sergey Xarlamov – commander of the military unit № 23522 had been honored and awarded the medal of “Jasorat” for his efforts in this field.
He died in the morning of 22nd of July, 2009 while conducting practical flight mission. The helicopter MI-24 had an accident because of system malfunctioning and crashed the earth.
Captain Jahongir Togayev

The alumnus of JHMAS (1999y) and further chief crew engineer of the military unit № 23522, Captain Togayev Jahongir Ruziyevich was born on 16th of August, 1978 in Jarqurgan, Surkhandarya.
Because of the engine malfunctioning occurred on the Helicopter MI-24 during the flight mission at aerodrome Chirchiq on 22nd of July, 2009 at 09:05, he got into accident and died. Kindness, pride and hard-working ability were among his regarded features as well as genuine patriotism that showed his true sentiments.
Lieutenant colonel Samandar Kenjayev

Lieutenant colonel Kenjayev Samandar Zarifovich was born on 30th of May, 1980 in Romitan district, Bukhara and graduated from JHMAS in 2002 and The Academy of Armed forces in 2012.
The senior teacher of the department of the air force tactics of the higher military aviation school lieutenant colonel Kenjayev was conducting practical flight on the airplane L-39 and got into accident due to the reason of engine malfunctioning which ended with the irrelevant death.
Sen. Lieutenant Farruh Adilov

Farruh Adilov, further crew engineer, was born on 1st of May 1990 and graduated from JHMAS in 2013.
By 2016 senior crew engineer senior lieutenant Adilov was taking part with his crew members in the practical flights in mountainous area of Ferghana valley when the helicopter MI-171 ploughed into the rocks because of the rough meteorological conditions.
Major Sadiqov Timur Shamsievich

Born on March 1, 1986 in Leningrad, Russian Federation. Timur, who dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood, successfully passed the tests in 2003 and became a cadet in the flight department of the Jizzakh Higher Military Aviation School in order to fulfill his dream. In 2008 he graduated from the University of Knowledge. From 2008 to 2023, he worked as a pilot, helicopter commander and senior officer in the Air Defense Forces and military units of the Air Force Command. During his service, he made many flights and participated in training and combat exercises.
On November 17, 2023, he died in a plane crash due to a malfunction of flight equipment during a test flight of a Mi-8 combat helicopter in accordance with the plan of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the territory of the Kattakurgan Range.
captain Artikov Sarvar Khamdamovich

He was born on March 3, 1993 in Shavat district, Khorezm region. Sarvar Artikov, who set himself the goal of becoming a defender of the homeland in his youth, was born on March 3, 1993 in Shavat district, Khorezm region. Even in his school days, Sarvar stood out from his peers with his knowledge, intelligence, mind and physical abilities. graduated from the school with excellent grades, and in 2010 took steps to realize his goal and received the honorary title of cadet of the Jizzakh Higher Military Aviation School. During his studies in the country of knowledge, he was distinguished from his peers by his intelligence and making wise decisions in any situation. After successfully graduating from university in 2015, he started his first officer service in the air defense troops and the Air Force. During his service, he was positively recognized by the commanders for his diligence and initiative, his high knowledge and skills.
On November 17, 2023, he died in a plane crash due to a malfunction in the flight apparatus during a test flight of a Mi-8 combat helicopter in accordance with the plan of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the territory of the Kattakorgan range.
captain Tojimamatov Shoyatbek Makhamatsoliyevych

Born on January 1, 1987 in Kurgantepa district of Andijan province, Shoyatbek was regularly involved in sports after childhood interest in sports. Years later, during his high school years, he became interested in military service and learned the secrets of military service. ‘started to learn. During this time, he set himself the goal of becoming a military pilot and protecting the air borders of our country. In order to realize his goal, after graduating from school, in 2008, he entered the Jizzakh Higher Military Aviation Academy. In 2013, he graduated from the university and continued his service in the military units. During his service, he was distinguished from his colleagues by his diligence and high knowledge.
On November 17, 2023, he died in a plane crash due to a malfunction in the flight apparatus during a test flight of a Mi-8 combat helicopter in accordance with the plan of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the territory of the Kattakorgan range.
Lieutenant Tajidinov Islambek Shakiro’g’li

He was born on November 19, 1997 in Khojaabad district, Andijan region. The brave boy, who grew up wanting to join the military and become a defender of the Motherland, successfully passed the test in 2018 and received the status of a cadet of the Jizzakh Higher Military Aviation School. During his studies in the country of knowledge, he stood out from his comrades with his high military discipline, diligence and interest in studies, active participation in public events. In 2023, he successfully graduated from the university and continued his service as a helicopter pilot-pilot in the military units.
During his short service, Islambek was positively recognized by his commanders for his diligence and initiative, his high knowledge and skills.
On November 17, 2023, the crew of the Mi-8 combat helicopter, according to the plan of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, died in an air crash due to a malfunction in the flight apparatus during a test flight in the territory of the Kattakurgan range.