There has been an event on 685th anniversary of the birthday of Temurlan and has been organized the cultural-heritage-week of the great emperor on theme “Amir Temur buyuk davlat arbobi va mohir sarkarda”. Week’s program included the visit of the cadets of the HMAS to the historical city and motherland of Temurlan as well as the conference on theme “Amir Temurning mamlakatni birlashtirish va markazlashgan, buyuk davlat tuzishdagi tarixiy xizmati”. The conference was especially impressive and was enriched by the lectures of PhD Ergasheva Y.A, the senior teacher of the history department of Karshi state university Karomov G‘ulom Xamitovich, and the professor of the Karshi state museum Nigora Chorieva.
There was organized a jeopardy on theme “Amir Temur va temuriylar tarixi bilimdoni”. Diplomas and the letters of honor were given to the winners of the contest.